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Your pocket guide to planning your own workout with confidence!


At FlickPT we now offer a few options if you're unable to train with us face to face. We understand that our session times may not suit your schedule, you may live in a different city or you prefer to train on your own.


We have recently designed an E-Book "How To Workout" which is your pocket guide to designing your own workout with confidence. 

As a fitness professional this comes easy to me, as it should after 13 years in the industry, however for you the process may be overwhelming or even stressful.


So we have designed this step by step guide to help you put the pieces together before heading in to the gym or working out from home.

The guide will move you through what to include in your warm up, how to choose exercises to get the most out of your training, what movement patterns to include, basic terminology and 3 examples of full body strength and conditioning workouts that you can use to make it your own.

FlickPT 'How to workout' e-book

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